Sunday 26 February 2017

060518 e-Mail from the Road

Saskatchewan has Hills!
Dear All:
Doug and I have just arrived in Kindersley, Saskatchewan. We're going to take a couple of hours to provision up and catch up on our correspondence.
It turns out that this province does indeed have hills, despite rumours to the contrary. They're just invisible hills. The folks around here call them "winds." Sometimes you pedal up the "winds" and struggle hard to move faster than walking speed. Sometimes you ride down the "winds" and pedal easily to speeds that would match city traffic. The amazing thing is that all the roads look perfectly flat!
Something else strange about this province is how things move. You might see a town on the horizon and you know it's not far away because, well, because you can see it. I mean, it's right over there. And yet you pedal and pedal and pedal and may not get to the town for three quarters of an hour or more. The only possible explanation is that the towns move away as you approach. And it's not just towns, sometimes it's farm buildings of groups of trees. Amazing!
And the news for people who are following the track across the country:
from Calgary we road out and spent the first night in a farmer's field, hiding behind some big straw bales about 12 Km short of Hanna, Alta.
Second night we spent on an abandon farm, where we got a little hassle from a local cop. It wasn't too bad though. His first question was, "Do you live here?" and we both managed to bight our tongues rather than saying something like, "The place is abandon. Do the math." we called him Sir and let him check our ID over the radio and he went away. No harm, no foul.
Last night we stayed in a B&B in Oyen, Alta. Very nice.
Tonight the plan is to get our stuff and ride about 15Km out of town and find a place to camp. The road out of town was one of those invisible downhills when we arrived but that may have changed by now.
Love to everybody. I'll try to get more real news in my next letter. 

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