Sunday, 26 February 2017

Cycle Canada, Day 14, May 18/06

May 18/06, Thursday Day 14                                                                  1275 Km
Windrow east of Kindersley, Sask.                                                         ~117 Kms                     ~ 6:45 Hrs
It was a long ride today. My left knee gave me some trouble yesterday and I was a bit leery of testing it today. Even so it gave me a couple of pangs.
I phoned Akiko from Alsask and Doug tried again to get ahold of Nikki.
We rode through rolling fields with mostly straight roads and cross- or headwinds. In Kindersly we visited the library and used the net, got off some e-mails, got food, booze, ice, water and cycled about 30 minutes out of town.
33 Degrees C.
I don't remember much specific about this day other than thinking that Alsask was a hole.

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