Sunday, 26 February 2017

060611 e-Mail from the Road

Progress on the trail.
Hello to everybody:
I've just a few minutes to jot down an e-mail. We're progressing around Lake Superior. Have finished with the north part of the shore and are now heading down the eastern part, about 40Km south of Montreal River on the way to Sault Ste. Marie. It seems that I was spelling it wrong in my last e-mail, like Sioux Lookout.
We'll be passed Sault Ste. Marie sometime tomorrow and onto the shores of Lake Huron. I hope the water in that lake is warmer than Superior. The winds that have been coming off of the lake so far have let me know that the ice is not long gone from Gitchigumi.
I've done a reasonable job of following doctor’s orders and my knee has calmed down quite a bit. It's not healed but yesterday was the first day since we started on the Shield that I felt like I wasn't hurting myself. It made the trip so much better and the scenery much more pleasant. We've camped by a couple of lakes and a river as well as a few fields since leaving Thunder Bay and haven't had a chance to take a room or do a laundry so Doug and I are both pretty stinky. It's a good thing that cycling is an outdoor sport. I also think that it helps to keep the bears away. I've only seen 2 so far on the trip and they both headed away from me at a pretty good rate of speed.
Times up. I'll write again in a day or two, once I get back into a more civilized area.
Bye for now, Brent

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