Sunday 26 February 2017

Cycle Canada, Day 24, May 28/06

May 28/06, Sunday                                                           Day 24                    2174 Km's
Sunset Motel, Portage la Prairie, Manitoba                                                      102 Km's                           ~ 4:35 Hrs
Hard shell again tonight. Last night was miserable with rain & lightning. Hail & lightning woke me at about 6:AM. We hung out, hummed & hawed and watched the weather channel looking for a break. The forecast was for thunder storms, damaging winds and possible tornados. We left the room & went for the brunch buffet at Chicken Coral. About 12:30 the winds shifted from northeast to northwest and we started out.
Rain started at the edge of town.
Stopped at the junk shop about an hour out of town and met the owner, Phil. The place was supposed to be a gas station but his major business seemed to be selling anything that would sell. The place was jammed full of machine parts, toys, food, appliances, chemicals and junk. Doug got some tape but it won't have smell on it :-(
Had a little trouble with my shifter and Phil sold me some oil. The mechanism had been wet and oily and picked up some sand and grit that was inhibitting its action. It had been passable while the rain was falling and the water kept the grit loose. Now that the rain had stopped things had stiffened up. It's better now.
Caught a tailwind away from Phil's and did 30+ for about 45 minutes. In fact after the first hour out of Neepawa we hardly dropped below 20 Km/Hr. Caught another tailwind on the turn south to the T.H.C. junction and had another, shorter, speed run. I was getting pretty tired by then.
In this area T.H.C. has no paved shoulders. Just edge of the lane then 1" drop to gravel shoulder. Lots of traffic makes me wonder why people would choose this route. I must say that the drivers on this part of the T.H.C. were quite good about sharing the road with us. No one seemed to panic. People steered wide, giving us about a half a lane on average. They probably see cyclists riding this section of road on a daily basis during the summer months, unlike the some Saskatchewan roads.
We settled into our room at the Sunset Motel, sort of. I don't recall the rain starting and stopping again but I do recall spreading my clothes on chairs outside the room to let them dry. The room itself had been recently steam-cleaned. It was humid and the carpets were damp. It would be another night of not being completely dry as I slept.
Before bed, we went to the sports lounge across the street for a beer. We came to the agreement that the waitress was insane. She talked to people who weren't there. Drew drinks then poured them down the sink. Drew drinks and placed them on the bar where no one was sitting. (There were only 6 customers in the bar, including us.) Got our order for two draft beers wrong. And when we left, what she charged us had little relation to what we'd ordered or received. Neither of us argued about the drinks or the bill, thinking it best to just mosie on out of there.

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